Platform allows clients to book daily wages worker
Directly connects them with businesses, contractors, and individuals in need of labor, making the job-finding process easier and more efficient for everyone
Connecting Highly skilled, Semi skilled and unskilled daily wages workers, streamlining hiring and empowering both businesses and daily wages worker
Rojaadhar is a platform for the daily wages worker providing opportunity to go digital where clients can book daily wages worker for the daily requirement. The platform provides easy job opportunity and bridging gap between the client and labour chowk daily wages
Book workers like carpenters, electricians, masons, gardner, helpers, cleaners and laborers for work, with the payment can be made to daily wages worker directly without any middle man
Uniqueness of Platform
Connect Skilled and
Semi-Skilled labours
Platform allows clients to book Highly skilled, Semi skilled, Unskilled daily wages worker for their day to day work
Empowering Individuals
Empowering the labour making the job-finding process easier and more efficient
Booking a labour from chowk for driving your bussiness
Digital Platform for Labour
A platform for labour where labour can find daily work online
No Middleman
No Middle man involved when the daily wages labour finding the job
Payment of the daily wages are paid directly to labour
About Us
What is Rojaadhar
Rojaadhar is a platform for the daily wages worker providing opportunity to go digital where clients can book daily wages worker for the daily requirement. The platform provides easy job opportunity and bridging gap between the client and labour chowk daily wages
What is Rojaadhar
Why Rojaadhar
Provides easy access daily wages worker where clients can book workers like carpenters, electricians, masons, gardner, helpers, cleaners and laborers for jobs Withe the payment can be made to daily wages worker directly without any middle man